Nutrition and the gut brain axis

The gut brain axis is the name given to the two-way communication between our brain and gut. Unsurprisingly it’s likely to be really important in relation to our mental health. Consequently the gut or more specifically our gut microbiota (the … Continue reading

Build safe food sets. Great when your older child still won’t eat.

When you have a tween or teen who still only eats a very limited diet you need to take action. When a young person eats fewer than about 10 different foods they are at risk of nutritional deficiencies and it … Continue reading

Reduce your salt intake with fun flavourings: #1 Caraway

Reducing your salt intake will help keep your blood pressure down and reduce your risk of stroke. There are lots of great ways to flavour food without the need for salt. Today I start with my personal favourite caraway. Caraway, also … Continue reading

Lower your blood pressure and prevent stroke: nutrition tips

May is Stroke Awareness Month. Being aware of the signs of a stroke as shown above is essential for saving lives so always act FAST. Prevention is equally important and high blood pressure is the single biggest risk factor for … Continue reading